mercoledì 29 marzo 2017

I'm back! + some news

GUESS WHO'S BACK???!!! Oh yes babies, it's been several months since I last posted but I have been so so busy and I didn't have time to post at all. However I decided to re-open the blog (thank you Mario for the makeover!) and I can't wait to show you all the ideas I have in mind.

First of all I'll be writing both in english and italian depending on what I'm talking about and how much time I have, of course writing in english is more difficult for me and it takes more effort and time. About contents you will see book reviews and recommendations, news about book releases, bookstagramming advice and others! 

I'l try to be as active as I can, I hope to post at least once or twice a week and of course I'll be more active on my bookstagram, if you want to follow me on my other social medias you can find them in the bar beside the post (on the right). 

Also if someone wants to do a collab let me know in the comments or even better send me a message on instagram, it easier for me to see it and answer quickly. If you don't want to lose my posts subscribe, I really appreciate it and if you have a blog let me know in the comments and I'll follow you back! 

Thank you so much for reading this post, leave a comment if you have any advice or suggestions. See you in the next post byeee! 💘💘

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